Let Loose The Thoughts

journal from a humble soul

All About Bra April 14, 2015

Filed under: Women — lapuce @ 8:49 am
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Have you ever have problems when comes to buying bras? I do, and most of the times the bras that I saw may look very sexy but it will not fit on me when I tried it on.  Buying bras nowadays is not so easy as buying it during teenage days.  I only point out to the sales girl which one I want and take it to the counter to pay.  Today I must try each bra to ensure the cups are perfect to hold my two lovely breast, so that my breasts won’t look saggy, so that the breasts won’t come off to the sides, not to forget, the back band is not too big or the straps are not too big either, etc, etc, etc.

When I came across this article, I thought, hey… why not share it with my readers too.  I’m sure some of us have the same problem too.  Check out this link for further information on bras.



Never wear the wrong bra again.

Bra Hacks 8

Know your bra’s sister sizes when shopping at different stores.

Bra Hacks 12

All bras are not equal-know the difference.

Bra Hacks 14

Know how to care for your bra.

13 Bra Hacks to Keep Your Girls Happy 24


Fairy Tales Can Come True (Just Not Every Day!) March 2, 2011

Filed under: Humor,Women — lapuce @ 4:21 pm
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I was busy surfing the internet and came across in StumbleUpon and decided to share with you all.

Leave me some comments, please 🙂



Damn, I’m Hot: Instructions on Seduction February 11, 2011

Filed under: Women — lapuce @ 12:43 pm
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By Martha Beck:
O, The Oprah Magazine | From the September 2007 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine


Peacock Illustration

We’d been waiting 30 minutes for someone to take our order in a busy Mexican restaurant when my friend Cathy decided to take extreme measures. “Watch this,” she whispered. Then she tugged the clip from her hair, opened a collar button, and tossed her head like a frolicking foal. Almost magically, she went from being simply beautiful to what is referred to in the vernacular as “like, totally hot.” Three waiters rushed our table like linebackers. Cathy fluttered her lashes at one, cooing, “Hon, could we order now?” It was a virtuoso performance of attraction in action.

For me, this was like watching documentary footage about something (“Mating Behavior Among Bipedal Primates of the American Southwest”) that I’ve never personally experienced. It’s not that I totally lack skills like Cathy’s. She can toss her head and attract men; I can—to cite just one example—toss fried chicken and attract cats. But I could never use feminine wiles the way Cathy can. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a single wile. I used to enjoy pitying myself for this, until one day I realized that everyone for whom I’ve felt genuine sexual interest eventually expressed reciprocal interest in me. While shortchanging me compared with Cathy, Mother Nature still provided me with the instinctive ability to make the connections I really wanted. Now, if you have Gisele Bündchen problems (your Manolo Blahniks keep skidding in puddles of drool left by lustful admirers), please turn directly to an underwear ad and enjoy the company of other genetically blessed people like you. This column contains instructions on seduction for the rest of us.

Flirtation 101: What to do if it doesn’t come naturally

Scientists tell us that females of all cultures make sexual connections through sequences of specific flirting behaviors. The ethologist Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt captured this on film some 30 years ago, with a camera that appeared to point in one direction while actually shooting in another. He found that women of all languages, classes, and religious backgrounds attracted men through the same gestures. This was further documented by psychologists who spent months scientifically lurking around in lounges, watching couples hook up. As Psychology Today‘s contributor Joann Ellison Rodgers described the flirtation ritual: “Women smiled, gazed, swayed, giggled, licked their lips and aided and abetted by the wearing of high heels; they swayed their backs, forcing their buttocks to tilt out and up and their chests to thrust forward.”

In researching this article, I recently tried enacting these behaviors in a local Starbucks. Sure enough, I attracted immediate male attention: An elderly gentleman asked me if I needed medical help. The answer was yes. I think I ruptured something. The bottom line (pardon the pun) is that buttock tilting and back swaying come about as naturally to me as spaceflight. Though flirting is supposedly wired into our brains, my brain appears to have shorted out in regard to giggling and licking my lips. And yet even I have stumbled upon a set of seductive behaviors that work surprisingly well for me. If you share my chronic back spasms and total lack of sexual self-confidence, you too might find them useful.

Step 1: Identify a specific person with whom you really, truly want to have sex

After our waiter spilled all over himself serving Cathy her enchiladas, I asked her what it felt like to exercise such awesome sexual control.

“It’s not that great,” she said with a sigh. “In fact, it can get lonely. You have to learn to get past casual sex and create lasting relationships, and that isn’t easy.”

I stared at her. She might as well have asked me how you get past calculus to create a mud pie. I associate the word casual with khaki pants, not carnal pants. Why? Because for some reason, I just can’t help indulging in forethought before getting to foreplay.

This isn’t true for most people: Sexual signals usually zip right past the rational brain, because as Rodgers puts it, if two people “immediately considered all the possible risks and vulnerabilities they might face if they mated or had children, they’d run screaming from the room.” Now, that I can understand. To actually have sex, I must be not only in love but also in full legal possession of the other party’s medical records. The advantage of this approach is that what you miss in casual thrills, you gain in long-term compatibility. That initial spark of interest leads not to the nearest motel room but to the prolonged scrutiny you would give an unrecognizable substance before deciding to include it in a cake.

If you consistently wake up next to people you no longer respect, try doing deliberately what I do involuntarily: Hold in your mind a vivid picture of a genital wart. (The Internet provides plenty, and I am here to tell you, they’re the opposite of pornographic.) Superimpose this image over the dashing smile of that cute guy at the bar. This should give you pause—a pause you can use to investigate whether the dashing smile is backed up by kindness, humor, honesty, and other qualities you probably want in a mate.

If you do this, you’re on the verge of discovering something amazing: Simple, sustained attention can be more powerfully seductive than all the eyelash-fluttering, tongue-flicking, back-swaying displays that make men want to fondle the likes of Cathy and prescribe seizure medication for the likes of me.

Step 2: Lust for the other person’s subjective experience

Here is the secret of sexual success for the confidence impaired: While people will decide to have casual sex with you based on how you look, they’ll decide to have meaningful sex with you based on how you see. The reason I’ve managed to make the connections I desired is that I’m fascinated by people’s stories. Beneath the small-talk surface, every life is a fascinating novel, so I always follow the suggestion from Proverbs 4:7, “With all thy getting get understanding.” This directive means to stand under, in the relatively lowly position of student, and let whomever we’re trying to occupy the high ground of teacher. And—this is key—the body language we use to do this overlaps significantly with the biology of flirting.

Anthropologist David Givens, the author of the book Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship, says that a crucial sexual-attraction message is “I am harmless.” We communicate this with “submissive displays,” such as turning our hands palm up, tilting our heads, exposing our vulnerable necks. A tilted-head half-shrug is typical of sexually attracted people having their first conversation. It’s also a posture you’ll unconsciously assume when you’re trying to understand another person’s experience. I suspect this is a major reason so many clients fall in love with their therapists: The counselor who tilts her head while gazing quizzically at a patient, trying to see into his soul, may unwittingly be signaling that she’d also like to see into his pants.

Throughout my adolescence, I had terrifying encounters with innocent, well-meaning boys who interpreted my intense curiosity as sexual interest. A handful told me in so many words that, despite my obvious flaws, they had decided to accept me as a mate. In this way, I learned that detached, genuine interest in another person’s inner experience is, if anything, more seductive than the hair flips I will never master. This realization was almost worth the time I spent hiding behind trees and under staircases to avoid those poor misguided fellows.

Step 3: Get a Life

Speaking of watching people, reality television provides an interesting barometer to indicate which behaviors humans find most fascinating. Some programs, like The Bachelor, have no real point except to show gorgeous individuals attracting or rejecting one another. Personally, I find them marginally less interesting than having my teeth cleaned. I favor reality shows in which people do things that require skill, talent, or daring: crab fishing, singing, clothing design, Latin dance. The popularity of these shows suggests I’m not the only person tuning in. Generally, the harder the participants have to work, the more interesting the process.

Even when cameras aren’t rolling, people love to watch others work hard, learn skills, and take risks. Remember the old Peanuts cartoons in which Lucy mooned endlessly over Schroeder, whose only interest was the piano? That stereotype is based in truth: People who are mastering something that fascinates them become fascinating to others. If you want to capture people’s attention, put your own attention on something that has nothing to do with them: oil painting, cooking, wildlife rescue. The more you get lost in what you’re doing, the more interesting you’ll become.

Best Practices: The one-two-three punch combination

If you use the three steps above in quick succession, you’ll become an attention magnet. It’s like a trick move in martial arts: Target your person of interest, focus entirely on them, then abruptly divert your attention. Pow, pow, pow!

These steps allow any flirtatiously challenged person to bypass the whole complicated, alarming world of sexual tension and attraction among normal people. You can do the dance of seduction without even meaning to—simply by letting yourself be openly drawn to people, their stories, and your own deepest fascinations.


Why do men cheat? Part 2 August 22, 2010

Filed under: Women — lapuce @ 1:29 pm
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so if cheating causes so much heartbreak, why do so many men do it anyway? here are some reasons for women to ponder and if these could not convince the women why do so many men cheat, then better leave him rather than feeling sorry to oneself..…what i meant by cheating is “Cheating is defined as anything that breaches a relationship contract. That includes “sexy communication and flirting that’s kept secret from your partner.”

1. men crave sexual “variety,” according to David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas and author of The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating(BasicBooks). “ they’ve evolved the desire to be with different women,” he says.  women need a reason to have an affair but men just want to have sex. they can have a good healthy relationship with their partner but at the same time it’s a thrill and a challenge for them to cheat.

2. men who cheat say they don’t feel understood by their mate.  mostly men are either angry or afraid to connect and fail to deal with these feelings.  it’s easier for men to go outside the relationship than work it out with their partner. they’re unhappy with their mates – and extramarital sex is cheaper and easier to get these days

3. men could not resist the temptation of a riper fruits. many women might be a complete slob after they have a partner, if she got lazy or gained weight or just doesn’t take care of herself, a guy will start looking at other women.

4. nothing will drive a married man into the arms of another woman faster than a nagging wife. some men said their wife is like a mosquito, whenever they want to have sex with their wife, the wife will swat the husband away.

5. men want more sex than women.  so when their partner is tired from wrangling kids all day and unwilling to try new things, even the most loyal hubbies get bored and go looking for nookie.  more sexually permissive men who don’t have equally adventurous partners are also more able to wander.

6. it’s hard to resist temptation, especially when it’s at their fingertips.  thanks to the Internet, it’s easier for men to cheat anytime, anywhere… while they’re watching TV or on the laptop in bed next to their sleeping wives….

7. its just their nature that they just find themselves compelled to bust out of their day-to-day routine in search of something new. it’s a primitive instinct that dates back to their role as hunter and gatherer – only this time, they’re hunting and gathering new women.

conclusion: any guilt that a man has after sex isn’t about the sex itself, it’s about the consequences, “will she be a stalker? will my wife or my girlfriend find out?  “if a guy is in a committed, monogamous relationship, he should ask himself one question before he cheats:  is it worth it? he should consider the worst-case scenario, meaning that his wife or girlfriend finds out and is now brokenhearted. Is it worth it?” only you, men know the answer.


Why do men cheat? by Peadar De Burca

Filed under: Women — lapuce @ 12:31 pm
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i read an interesting article from StarTwo written by Olga Craig about “Why do men cheat”.  such an interesting issue among all women.  Craig took an article from The Telegraph UK written by Peadar De Burca, who is a theater director, a playwright and a comedian before he found success as a comedy writer, comes from a long line of philanderers and has a healthy respect for monogamy but he became fascinated by the subject when it ripped apart marriages within his own family circle.  De Burca has an abundance wealth of research of five years and these are what i am going to share with you out there.

Peadar De Burca says his research has taught him the value of fidelity

question of why do men cheat has been on every other women’s mind since dark ages, i believe that no matter how we try to investigate and do our research we still could not find a single concrete answer why do men cheat especially when they have a loyal partner next to them and when the gold band ring is in place. so why exactly do men cheat?

according to De Burca, ”It’s simple,’’  ”It’s because they can. Or, rather, because you ladies let them think that they can. So they do.’’ ”Sadly, my conclusion has been that, all too often women simply won’t challenge their cheating men,’’ he says with a shake of the head. ”Or their self-esteem has been so battered by their husband’s behaviour that these talented, attractive and intelligent women convince themselves that they have too much to lose if they walk away or show him the door.’’ ”Witnessing the pain some of my female relatives suffered was heartbreaking. The effect was that, from early on, I swore I was never going to become one of those men.” So he set out to investigate the subject, amassing a wealth of hilarious though thought-provoking stories from men who cheat.

He says ”Never underestimate the male ego. Men just love to boast of their conquests. Call out the word “cheat” on any street and a dozen guilty men will look furtively over their shoulder. Yet of the women I spoke to, all but three forgave their husbands and took them back. Which was, of course, a green light to the men. My advice to women? Show your confidence. Let him know he’s lucky to have you. And that if he abuses your trust, he’s out.’’

What Men Want

De Burca’s interviewees cross the social divide and encompass all age groups.

– Beware, doctors, by the way. They are by far the most likely to cheat, he says. A legacy, he believes, of the fact that they are surrounded by females at work and that women are susceptible to their role as healers.

– A cheating lawyer who proudly boasted that, on being found out, he made his wife feel so bad – because he claimed he cheated because he had no choice – that she ended up apologising. ”He told her that he had found solace elsewhere because she had become cold, sex was no longer as regular as it once was, and he had found affection elsewhere. He came back to me saying she now felt so guilty that she kept apologising to him. You can’t believe how arrogant he was about it. And, of course, it was carte blanche to continue.’’

– A business executive with a big bank balance but few social graces and little in the way of good looks said he had juggled eight mistresses and made weekly visits to swingers’ parties. ”I found it hard to get under his skin,’’ De Burca admits. ”I couldn’t pin him down as to why he needed to do all this cheating. Eventually, he lost his rag and he blurted out: ‘Look I cheat. I have to. Otherwise, I’m dead’.

Says the playwright, lies the answer. ”This man had little in the way of self-esteem. His coterie of young women was his way of reassuring himself that he had lost none of his potency. Not in the sexual sense but in the power sense. Having these women on his arm helped him convince himself he was someone to be reckoned with. By the same token, had his long-suffering wife cheated he would have been devastated. That would have totally shattered his fragile ego.’’

the sad thing about women when the do found out about their men’s cheating behavior they became weak and feel all alone and feel so unloved.  De Burca said, ”So many strong, beautiful women told me they would end up alone and lonely if they threw out their cheating husbands.”

but hats off to women, when asked what about women who cheat? his answer, ”The difference between the sexes where infidelity is concerned is that women are just a whole lot better at it. When women cheat, they do it in style. And they don’t get caught.’’  fair enough.


Women over 40 July 31, 2010

Filed under: Advises,Humor,Women — lapuce @ 8:17 am
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i know this was not new to everyone who must have received it a long time ago.  but i just like to repeatedly remind those out there particularly the men who say women oi know this was not over 40 are over in their life.  hey you!, we are just like you, where life begins at 40 with more dignity, more sensual, very independent and more experienced than those young 20’s.  oh yes, i couldn’t agree more when you say those 20’s in this millennium knows more about life than those 20’s in the 1970’s ….is that sex what you mean?  anyway, enjoy this article and i love every word he said about WOMEN OVER 40.


60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney (CBS)
As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all.

Here are just a few reasons why:


  • If a woman over 40 doesn’t want to watch the game, she doesn’t sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and it’s usually more interesting.

  • Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.

  • Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it’s like to be unappreciated.
  • Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40.

  • Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
  • Older women are forthright and honest. They’ll tell you right off that you are a jerk if you are acting like one.
  • You don’t ever have to wonder where you stand with her.


Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons.

Unfortunately, it’s not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress.

Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, “Why to buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?”, here’s an update for you.

Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it’s not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage! ahaks!!!!


Andy Rooney is a really smart guy!

” Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re still here we may as well dance.”


Why married men? May 26, 2010

Filed under: Advises,Humor,Women — lapuce @ 11:41 pm
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the subject that i will touch this time will be considered sensitive to some or too painful to be discussed or perhaps might be considered as a condemn to some women.  but the truth must be told and shared.  in fact with the increasing no of women in this world and less man, this could be the reason some women would not mind to share or even have an affair with a married man.


if you find yourself under such a situation, then you know exactly what i mean and i know exactly how you feel coz i’ve been through this painful journey.  i shall never forget and will never try to forget.  your family members, your friends, your colleague, they were all in unison advising you to leave him, forget about him.  instead of listening to them, we continued to fight for the love that could never belong to us.  in the end we hurt ourselves.

how best can we advise women out there who are still living in this disillusion relationship?

don’t get involve, get out, run as fast as you can, run as far as you can, run in the opposite direction, cut off the communication, change your phone no, change your home address if you possibly can….yes, we can’t deny having an affair with a married man is tempting, it’s a challenge, but it’s not worth a bit of our life, so, so not worth it.  believe me…..been there, done that and i have no more tears to cry my hearts out….it’s not an easy experience to endure…..

however, to those who think that you can handle the situation with a promise not to break up his family, think again, think hard, coz this will change over time when suddenly you realize, he’s on your mind every morning, every night and all the times in between, you can’t wait to see him, to feel him, to touch him, to be close to him, to be with him all the times, even worse when what you want most is for him to feel the same which you know he probably doesn’t, even if he claims to really care.  but of course caring is not enough, you want him to love you so much till it hurts.  but then it’s too late to turn back and run.

so ladies, there are some things which you should consider before you start being stamped as a “home wrecker”.

restrictions in public places: you can’t be seen in public places together, you can’t hold hands in public, you can’t hug him in public, you can’t show your intimacies in public, you can’t visit him often in the office, and you may never meet his family and the people that are important to him.  all the times you may have to be discreet and tip toed around certain people, ducking and diving to avoid his family, friends and working colleague!

restrictions in time: you can’t call him freely or at anytime you want to, you will always have to wait for him to call you when he could find the time away from his family or his friends, your relationship has to be built around his free time and you can’t just show up at his house.

sacrifices: he’s already a dating partner to his wife, so how can you be sure he can give his whole heart to you, you cannot have him all for yourself, and you know that much, though it takes you to an extraordinary length to pursue this kind of love, you will still encounter lots of pains along the way.

a pointless end: survey shows that men who are contemplating to divorce his wife, in the end will not do it, even if he gives you the sky and the moon as a promise that he’ll be with you, why stay?  you think he would sacrifice anything for you, but, hey! life is not a romantic novel.  there is no end to the relationship; you’ll get hurt deeper instead.

condemnable titles: even if he did divorce his wife, could you live comfortably with the guilt that he left them for you?  what if people you know found out about it and shun you from their list and label you as a home wrecker or worse as a slut?  can you live with the title, even if he’s the one that initiated the relationship?  it doesn’t matter how unhappy he says he is, because in everyone’s eyes, you are still a mistress and a home wrecker?  can you risk losing other people’s respect?

curiosity: how sure are you that you are the only one?  if he can cheat on his wife the one he married, the one who made the truthful vows to his wife, what makes you be so sure he will be faithful to you? you will always want to know more about him, where he goes for holiday with his family, comparing present he bought for his wife, etc, etc, etc….

holiday seasons: are you prepared to spend major festive holidays on your own while he is with his family, exchanging gifts among them, thinking of them having romantic holidays, sharing romantic meals together? you will always be the last in line. this will genuinely break your heart, yet you know that you have no reason to feel like that.

who’s the winner: you or the wife?  oh yes, as a mistress you gets the sexual pleasure, there’s no need to do some of the things the wife must do i.e. washing, ironing, cleaning up, etc, coz you believe it’s only a part time which is better than not anytime.  you as a part time lover ask this to yourself, is this fair to you?  question is “who is the true winner in this situation?” it’s the men, they has the best of both worlds and only has commitment to one.  he has no intention of ever letting his wife knows about his other woman and he always wants the other woman to think he is misunderstood by his wife.

guilt: there are many people involve, not only between you and him but his wife and his children.  you will always feel guilty if he ever leaves his wife and children for you. when you are playing with heart you are playing with lives and such is a very sensitive matters.

i know it’s not easy to break the relationship.  you feel weak, you think you can just walk away and say goodbye but the thought of never be with him is horrible.  be strong and fight this attraction even if you have to pretend in front of him that you are over him, do it, best not to treat him as your friend, eventually it will get easier, no doubt the scar will always be printed on your heart, you will never forget, but the pain will be lesser and by then you will find a man who is free to love you because you special ladies deserve to be pampered and loved by the right man.


Things U should not say 2 a single person May 9, 2010

Filed under: Advises,Humor,Women — lapuce @ 9:29 am
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i took this from http://dating.personals.yahoo.com/singles/datingtips/89007/19-things-you-should-never-say-to-a-single-person, and being a single person, i will always be bombarded with these kinds of questions from every corner.  this is also the reason why i sometimes refuse to attend family gathering or family wedding, etc, not running away from the nosy aunties and uncles and cousins, etc, but i am afraid that i might say something below their belt and offended them too much that they will bring it to their grave….:-)  anyway gals, enjoy reading ok as usual my comments in red color.


It happens when you are not looking.

Yeah rite, this is bullshit.  Many people found their life partner while they were not even looking for one.

There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Sure, there are plenty of fish out there but we are not there to buy them like buying them from the supermarket and most of the good fishes are all taken.

So, why are you single?

Maybe I just like being single.  What is your problem, don’t you like your marriage?

You’re too picky.

Hey, I’ve seen happily married couple divorced after 3-4 years when during their courting time they said they found their soul mate etc, etc…..so why should I not be picky?

You’ll find the right person for you.

How do you know I’ll find the right guy?  And how do you know the guy that I’ll met will be the right, perfect guy for me huh?

He’s out there.

This is creepy, he’s out there and he’s aiming for single ladies? Sounds like a stalker to me 🙂

It was just bad timing.

No, you are wrong, the timing is always right, it’s just that we are not suitable for each other.  So rather than getting miserable we might as well split. Understand!!

Just have fun with it!

So funny, this comes out from someone who married after school and just met her husband for 6 months?

Have you tried online dating?

Excuse me!!  We are not desperado’s.  Don’t they know people got con for this?

He just wasn’t the right guy for you.

How do you know?  I never complain about him to you?

Well, when Steve and I first got together…

Helloooooo….we are talking about me here….we heard enough about you…..

When the time is right, you will meet someone.

Yeah rite, as though you are the God!!!

Wow, I wish I were single and in your shoes!

Oh really? Then why the heck you got married so early?  Or else you could have just joined our singleton group!  So the more singleton the merrier!

Your turn next [at weddings].

Can you please come out with more intelligent sentences?

It will happen when you least expect it.

Aaaahhhh……am yawning…..

Some guy is going to come along and ruin your career/life plans.

I know you envy me because of my good career and your life is all about your husband and your children and you don’t have a career that you can boost around, but I will make sure that the man that I’ll find will support me having a career.

But you’re so pretty! Why don’t you have a boyfriend?

Is this a compliment or a sarcastic remark?

It just wasn’t meant to be.

Hate it when this comes out from someone who smugly said they are happily married!

Sure, Steve rescues kids from abusive homes, donated my sister a kidney, and picks up fresh flowers for me daily on his way home from work, but will he QUIT IT with the sports on TV already?

Oh please stop complaining, you’ve got your hubby and kids and just live with it, it’s your choice, besides we hate listening to your moaning and whining about your petty family thingy.


For those who are married or in a relationship, if you do not have any good advice or wisdom for your single friends, just please keep your mouth shut, ok, it would be more comforting to us.


10 places u r guaranteed 2 meet men? What???

Filed under: Humor,Women — lapuce @ 8:37 am

today while browsing through yahoo i found this article that was written by Stylecaster about “10 places you are guaranteed to meet men”…….hahahahaa……funny ain’t it because you can find men everywhere.  there is no need to stress yourself by going through this list.  a woman should be themselves, do what they love doing and if God says you’ll meet someone, it will happen one day.  anyway, below are the 10 lists taken from the web.  check out my comments in red.  ladies if you are so desperate to find men perhaps this list could help, not an advice but heck give it a try, you’ll never know rite?

1. Eat out

Busy, single men don’t have time to cook. This is why they need a girlfriend! Just kidding. However, when they are tired and hungry after work, they dine out at restaurants. So if you want to meet a new man, try a new restaurant at least once a week.  Ladies, if you keep on going to a new restaurant every day, not only you’ll be thinning your wallet and getting bored while dining alone but you’ll be fattening your body, so let’s just stay at home and do our cooking and enjoy the nice music at home.

2. Join the gym

Gyms are places where all body conscious men go to let off some steam. If you meet a man at the gym you can see what he really looks like when he’s all sweaty. If he looks good in gym clothes, he’ll look great in real clothes. People who work out are also much happier (translation: a better partner to be with).  I hate going to the gym and if you find me there, it’s because someone must have commented on my thighs or my stomach and all the times I have no time to look around for some nice hunk as I was so busy concentrating on my exercise.

3. Pay attention to your pet

The sun is out and love is in the air. People are outside enjoying the weather. Take the opportunity to give your dog some extra attention and go to the park. If you don’t have a dog, borrow one. Many men think of dogs as soul mates (who else better understands their zest for the simple things in life?) and will often frequent dog runs. If a man sees a woman walking a cute dog, he will most likely start talking to her.  I once had a friend who actually rent a dog to bring the dog run every morning and evening just for the purpose to catch men and the result, nothing, but the dog met his partner instead.  What if you have a cat?  Will this also help to find men?  You can’t take out a cat for a walk like you take out a dog rite?  🙂

4. Fix things

To me, Home Depot is the worst place in the world. I would rather sit in an icebox and freeze than go to an oversized tool shed. But, guys consider it their inner handyman Mecca. Men love fixing and building things, so Home Depot (or Lowes) stores are always filled with an array of manly men.  I only fix things when my bulb went off or because i need to find ant’s spray for my home.  Yes, you can find men but they look boring to me, though 😦

5. Start to love toys

Men love toys. The bigger the boat and the faster the engine, the more powerful the guy will be. The same way women love fashion shows, guys love toy shows. Car and boat shows are places where single men are like a flock to a shepherd. If you attend a car or boat show, pick up on the finer things in life (um, Ferraris anyone?), while meeting a man to drive it.  This could be true.  My aunt met her husband when she sent her car to the workshop and they exchanged notes and mobile no’s and now they are happily married.  But it also depends on what car you are driving.  If you are driving a sporty car it will definitely catch the men’s attention.

6. Wash car

Speaking of cars, most men love their four-wheelers and they like them to appear brand new. It could be a rut (pun intended), but I’ve always dated men who are car freaks and I’ve been taken to car washes much too often. But while I’m there (bored to death), I’ve noticed that they were usually filled with men, and pretty hot ones sometimes. Head to a car wash and remember, your car can never be too shiny.  I sent my car once a week for washing and I don’t find myself surrounded by good looking men.  Maybe I was at the wrong car wash centre…hahahahaaa……

7. Be tech-friendly

True or false? Men are into electronics. All the men I’ve dated (or known for that matter) have proved this statement to be true. Men love technology and are always looking for new phones. If you want to meet a tech-friendly type of guy, frequent a Verizon, Sprint, or AT&T store.  Could also be true.  Let’s go to Low Yat Plaza and check out if you can score any men there….hehehehee….

8. Pick up a sport

Do you like tennis or golf? Well, start to love them both! Being active will boost your confidence and help you stay fit. Golf courses and tennis clubs are places that men go to with their friends. If you join one, you can better your game and meet new people.  Ladies, gold and tennis are out of the field now, diving is the “IN” thing now.  Ever since I joined diving I met all kinds of men with all kind of levels of mentality, trust me you’ll love seeing them in their diving suit with their tanks and fins and they look yummy…hahahahaha…..

9. Start reading

Reading is a great way to escape your day-to-day troubles. Go to a bookstore and kill two birds with one stone – find a book and a brand new man. Some men love to learn and are always looking for reading material. If you’re browsing the same aisle, then you know you have something in common.  Been doing this once a month and I only found fathers who are busy accompanying their children to buy school and story books……:-(

10. Get cultured

Experience a typical New York moment by going to a museum. There are new exhibits opening all the time. If you meet a man at a museum, chances are he is interesting and cultured. You can also brush up on some art history while looking for that prospective boyfriend or husband.  I dated a man who are so into churches and museums and we went and visited every single churches and museum around Germany and France and I had enough of it and no way any men can push me around churches and museum anymore.


My advice Ladies, live your life to the fullest, do things that interest you and for your own good, men is not the only thing in our mind, we can live without them, you can ask around you who are the living proof example, we don’t need to stress ourselves to find men, if he shows up one day, then good for you!


Single Mom January 21, 2010

Filed under: Women — lapuce @ 6:19 am
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I received a very good recommendation from one of my extra friendly neighbor today.  Apparently he has waited for the right time to bring up the subject, unfortunately, we were always not at home.  So, after I came back from sending my kid to school, open the gate and back inside the car to reverse the car, he came and approach me.  “Morning, not working today”, which I replied, “nope, only working from home”.  He then said “wah! at home also working, why to work so hard, find a man”.  “Hahahaha…..that’s a good joke”, I replied.  “No really, find a man so that he can support you and you won’t be lonely.  What about sex?”.  Oh…oh….he is touching a very delicate subject now.  Why is he so concern whether I can support my family.  How can he judge that by being a single mom I am lonely?  Is sex very important?  How shallow the thinking of some people are.

It’s great being a single mom, I have the kid, the house, the bedroom, the kitchen, the couch, the garden, the porch, everything all for myself, oh yes, I share it with my kid too, but all are mine.  I may sound selfish but….hey, he left me and I am happier than before!!! 

Day-to-day duties for a solo parent are no different from they are for a married one; we are the mom and the dad, the cook, the driver, the housemaid, we do everything.  Apart from these, we also have hobbies that sometimes we have to make plans for all the things that we need to do every day.  These all shows how busy a single mom is.  Even so, all single mothers agree that even when overwhelmed, there’s usually a way to work out problems.

In my opinion, man can never solve all the problems of a single mom.  Perhaps other women would say 50/50, some would say, “Hell yes!” because they can’t leave without their man.  Most single mom usually will take a special type of man to come into their lives. Even if the single mom does have a good career, home and take good care of herself, most of them want to find a life partner who would only settles down if the man accepted their children as the children are an extension of them.  They do not want to repeat mistakes and are only interested in a partner who holds strong and committed family values with a genuine intention and trust.  When comes to sex, women are better at turning off the “sex tap” than men.  I am one of the thousand women who have turned this tap off not for months, but for years.

Single mothers are straight forward, don’t play games, are usually quite organized and committed, and the best part is for those who are dating a single mom, you already know how they act as a parent before you get far into the relationship.  The best about being a single mom/parent, we enjoy the freedom to make a decision on our own ethical, moral and cultural upbringing without interference from another that may conflict with our own ideas.  We are responsible for our children’s academic and religious upbringing, as a result, we often provide our children with a model of excellence in self-reliance, confidence, independence and responsibility.

Kudos to all single mom/parent!!!!!