Let Loose The Thoughts

journal from a humble soul

How To Respond To Negative People Without Being Negative (video) December 26, 2014

Filed under: Advises — lapuce @ 10:35 am

Have you ever had difficulty with someone that whatever you say whether about politic, environment or about your life, that this someone will always comment with negative responds? How do you actually handle this type of person?  Do you stay clam and explain your position or do you lash back at them and try to win back your position that you are right?

My weakness is that I’ve been having difficulty in handling negative respond.  I don’t lash back at them, I don’t call them out for being negative and I don’t go into argumentative space with them. The most that I do was I’ll keep quiet and try very hard not talking to the person for a few days.  I’m always afraid if I respond to their negative comments, something “a not a very nice words” will come out of it and I’ll regret it for my whole life.

After watching this video I hope I can practice to respond to any negative comments.


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